Satellite Lite is a semi casual siege focused G2 guild (G2 last two seasons/G3 goal). We are one in a family of three guilds, us being most competitive. SSS lab/sub, G1-G2 casual WGB. We strive to have all 25 active each match and do not have a winrate requirement. 7-3 is fine! Currently siege rotation (usually 1 game) is based upon inactivity and then lowest winrate. Vacations or breaks etc are ok but you're encouraged to please ask to sit out so that your guildmates can have a shot. We just want to see you participate and enjoy siege with the rest of us! We have discord but don't use it for siege. Defenses are tried and theorycrafted by all/any member(s). If you're a friendly, helpful, respectful individual we would love to have you. We're looking for G2 capable players that have been stuck in G1 guilds or ex G3 members. Siege macro knowledge is a huge plus. Looking for 2-3 solid people. Thanks.